
21/12/2013 16:53

This essay is crudely patched together to show format and a printable version is downloadable in .docx format at bottom


GOVERNMENT                ETYMOLOGY: GOVERN = control, MENTE = mind                       

Our government has shown complete disregard for due process by trying to sneak through legislation such as Bill C-51 and the Security and Prosperity Partnership, among others.

This departure from standard practice and visibility is the result of a foreign central bank-owned global corporate syndicate that created the European Union without a vote and against the will of the people and has now forced on us, a North American Union which usurps the Canadian, United States and Mexican governments, dissolving our borders and cheating us of our sovereignty.

Without any reservations I say the following because I have proof. The best that can happen is whether or not you believe, you will investigate what is stated here because awareness is our best defense against this incremental tyranny.

This secretive and purely criminal global cartel is not only behind the attacks on natural foods, herbs and supplements, but also the genetically modified organisms crisis threatening our health and vandalizing Earth’s biosphere, the global warming hoax, manufactured to justify their fraudulent carbon tax and divert our attention away from the real problem of industrial and petro-chemical pollution, the abject dependence on fossil fuels for energy, transportation and agriculture, using antiquated technology such as the 30% efficient internal combustion engine (developed in the 19th century) and chemical fertilizers that grow nutrient-deficient foods, the Kennedy and Martin Luther King Junior assassinations, the 9/11 attacks, the Oklahoma City, 7/7 London and Madrid bombings to name a few.

The similarities between these events are stark, beginning with the extensive cover-ups afterward by government officials and in the case of the latter events, the fact that shortly before and during each catastrophe, respective military and government agencies were running drills simulating the exact same situations occurring at exactly the same locations and times; a necessary procedure for such "false flag" operations to stand-down security and law enforcement and protect those involved incase the scheme is thwarted by real officers (see TerrorStorm). Beware of “terror drills” and civil law enforcement or check points being conducted by the military, this is martial law.

Their crimes are boundless and their power grows with new draconian laws stripping us of our rights and stealing the future from our children. As it gets worse and worse all of this will become clearer. It is vital that we alert ourselves now before it’s too late. We must learn and inform everyone about the lies we have been taught since birth. We must never drink water tainted with fluoride because it damages brain tissue, the real reason it was put in tap water. We must demand a stop to the mercury and cancer virus contamination of vaccines or simply refuse them. Once we become aware and reject their advance, their power networks collapse like a house of cards. This is why they are accelerating their efforts before too many of us wake up.

Remember, these globalist owners of our government stage crimes and terrorism to use as a pretext to gain more and more control and to sicken and pare back populations. If we accept the government’s “solutions” to the crises they create, instead we encourage more crime and poison.

Watch for officials and executives who advocate North American integration, participation in wars and taking guns away from good people so that only criminals have them. Listen for preachers who tell their congregations things like “All authority is an extension of God’s authority”. Take account of those who slander people with an alternative view and you will know who speaks for the proliferation of terrorism and for the death of Canada, our freedom and our future.

Television and printed news are scripted to divert you away from the truth. Please explore these real news and real history websites as well as the ones given in the documentaries. - - - - -

They mean to keep us profitably sick and docile - Defeat them by being healthy and curious.

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Watch the skies; they have been secretly spraying us for decades with unknown and in some cases known chemicals and particulate matter such as aluminum coated fiberglass, dehydrated red blood cells, bacteria, viruses and ionic barium. The phenomenon is now admitted to by military and government officials and we know them as chemtrails. They tell us it’s to combat global warming, a lie upon a lie. Unlike contrails, they occur at low altitudes, linger much longer and spread out instead of dissipating. We must reveal and terminate these crimes of forced exposure and demand justice.

Foreign aggravated felons are being hired as soldiers, security guards and police officers. Police agencies and the military have been hijacked by these elitists, are training officers and soldiers to view all people as terrorists and kill anyone who does not acquiesce to authority. Please be aware that police currently have no mandate to protect individuals.

Right now more dictatorial statues are being passed in this illegal North American Union, without a vote, mandating under threat of prison, forced vaccinations laced with mercury, cancer viruses and other harmful constituents, targeted at children. I beg of you, do not submit to or tolerate this, be aware and warn others of bill S5841 (New York) and of the skyrocketing autism and cancer rates worldwide, directly attributed to the mercury and cancer viruses in these dangerous, completely unnecessary and often useless vaccines.

Everything is compartmentalized so many of those meting out this evil have no idea what they are a part of. In the name of truth and decency we must educate and arm ourselves with the huge body of proof that is available and inform them.

A steering committee of this self-described predator class, known as the Bilderbergs, consists of 120-140 of the world’s wealthiest, most influential people. Elected officials illegally meet with them every year for instructions on administrative policy. For the first time ever, they have been forced to issue a press release although they have been meeting every May or June since 1954, hitherto secretly. Its members, their predecessors and their agents were and are responsible for most high crime, economic failures and support(ed) both sides of every major war, proving they were and are the only true enemy. We owe a debt of gratitude to the brave whistleblowers, risking their lives to expose them and save our lives. Seek and read all statements from this, the true government and analyses thereof and you will notice similarities with past lies as well as be able to protect the innocent and predict future disasters.


Alert.doc (46,5 kB)

